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RE: The downfall of Gold - Will Bitcoin replace 6000 years of human history?

Gold is going to have a tough time as the market realizes the economic collapse that is taking place is a deflationary one, not inflationary. Even the likes of Jim Rickards, long time gold bugs, admit that.

When it comes to inflation, gold tracks very well over time. It is not an asset that performs well when deflation is taking place. The idea of money printing leading to inflation is only resident in the dreams of the central banks. The reality is they cannot get inflation to save their lives.

Bitcoin might not have that correlation. The track record is to shot to know how it operates in a deflationary environment compared to an inflationary one. It seems to be establishing its own set of rules.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


what do you mean by deflationary collapse? I thought the money printing and the potential of the dollar losing it reserve/world currency status would lead to strong inflation. Where do you see deflation? Really in the dollar itself or do I misunderstand?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta