The way to get it to grow, in my opinion, is for those who are here to be more active.
Activity will breed activity.
Sadly, as we see with the commenting on chain, there are very few of us who are doing it.
We have not taken care of our own house.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is also true mate. I think we should focus on 3 things: continue our engagement with comments and interactions, publish quality and interesting content, and promote Leofinance in the best ways we can to attract new users.
Esto también es verdad colega. Creo que debemos centrarnos en 3 cosas: Continuar con nuestro compromiso con los comentarios e interacciones, publicar contenido de calidad e interesante y promocionar Leofinance de las mejores maneras que podamos para atraer nuevos usuarios.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta