
Because I had not good signal on my phone while at the voting center, so I was not gonna be available here.

I got back a little while ago.

How long does it take to vote? Is it a draw out affair?

You have to go queue until it's your turn. The process itself is super fast but they make it slow on purpose to make people get tired. The real results is Edmundo won, but they already said Maduro won with 51% que that is a lie

Hmm you do not believe the results?

It not that I don't " believe them" is that I know for a fact that what they are showing is not real. We all know. We have been seeing the acts with the results and not in one center Maduro won.

I dont believe the ones in the US. I know it is a fraud.

All the way back in 2004, they hijacked the presidential election from Kerry and gave it to Bush.

Kerry wasnt a warmonger whereas Bush was a puppet and Chaney/Rumsfeld could wage any war they wanted.

Here everyone knows and has the proof that they are lying. But the international community only sends messages and not actual help because Russia and China have interests here. They don't wanna mess with them.