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RE: Listening To The Wrong People On Hive

You wrote an entire blog post in this comment. It would make a good article.

I agree with you about the removal of barriers. There is no doubt that Hive has its issue; this is not perfect. You are right though, it is the best game in town. We need to keep building upon the foundation in place. It is solid albeit nor granite. More is required.

As for technical writing, that is true. I have no talent in that area so cant help out. Certainly trying to attract those people is vital. Of course, we still need more developers.

Thinking big is proper. Hiive is looked at a small little nothing system by many. This is incorrect. We have a lot going here, with a great deal of talent. Do we require more in every area? Certainly. But the ones who are here are not slouches.

Time to take everything up a level, however we have to go about that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hehe, maybe I will extract it and edit to post it as a blog when I get time.

One of the issues with getting good technical people to do high quality work is that they are in demand and get well paid - so either they have to be well paid by Hive or they have to be otherwise motivated to participate. It shouldn't be a problem to pay people well to do the work from the DAO but we need to have a way of reliably demonstrating the track record of those involved.

I am capable of doing the technical writing but I don't have time to do it and am unlikely to have time in the foreseeable future. Also, in honesty, the prospect of doing that work is quite daunting because of the difficulty of de-cyphering the code and trying to combine information from so many sources to make sense of what needs to be written and the purpose behind the code/functions. Another way around this problem is to formalise the process of code creation so that documentation is created in advance of code being written and ensuring that nothing can be finalised and put into public use without sufficient documentation to support the technicalities of it.

While this might sound like 'unncessary overheads' to some developers, the reality is that we can't expand Hive very well without something like this being done. Hive is an interface between technology and society, so we must have a focus on the society part at all times.