Looking to put up some big threading numbers. We are getting near the end of the month and have to see what we can do to close it out.
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Looking to put up some big threading numbers. We are getting near the end of the month and have to see what we can do to close it out.
That's a great one. The end of the month is very close, I need to check my performance this month and see how close I am to my targets. I think I am some numbers backward.
Some numbers backward? What does that mean? You mean behind?
Lol, I had to go back to check what I wrote. I don't even know what that means, LOL. I'm laughing here. Now that can make someone's eyes to be "turnioniown", that's another one. Lol.
Yeah, I mean, some numbers behind.
Lol. I hope the numbers pick up.
Hope is not a strategy. What we need is commitment to doing it. That is what will make the difference.
Sure the commitment brings positive results.