You Really Can Bring Full Coconuts on Planes, According to the TSA
It's the best way to get those electrolytes in at 30,000 feet.
Going through airport security can be a stressful experience. Do you take your shoes off? Keep them on? Take that laptop out? What about your jewelry? Does a smartwatch count as an electronic device? And don't even get us started on the liquid requirements.
While those questions can vary from airport to airport, there is one question we can at least definitively answer for you. Coconuts, it turns out, are a totally OK thing to bring through airport security.
As Dr. Paul Saldino, a board-certificated physician nutrition specialist, recently explained in a video posted to X (formally Twitter), he loves to take a full coconut — yes, totally intact — with him through airport security.
It's nice to know. Also I think it varies from airports.