
GaiThe knowledge of technology needs updates from time to time or else you become a complete novice to the present state of technology

That is the reason for the technology threadcast. Help people to learn better.

Thanks boss

What intrigues me sometimes is precisely some people who are intelligent, they close their eyes to what really matters and what is constantly evolving.

These people live in a bubble that is difficult to leave. Maybe they will never leave and it will be too late.

They will certainly try to catch up but not realize what is taking place.

Things are simply moving too fast. Think about how much image generation advanced in the last 8 or 9 months. This is just on example.

You're right and that surprises me too.

It is evolving very quickly. 2024 can be considered an important year for AI.

A lot of cool things will be emerging and exploding our imagination.

As I have repeatedly said, I think the next generation models will be a major leap forward.

The compute power being applied is growing singificantly.


People are going to be kicking themselves in the ass. They think they know what's going on, and they don't. Even for people who are trying to really stay on top of what's going on, because of the advancement in technology, it's very difficult. We can draw up forecasts, we can draw up conclusions. They may or may not be right. But at least people are in the realm of understanding when they do that. The average person does not. They're not paying attention. And they are going to be caught completely off guard. I hear all the naysayers, I see the naysayer videos, a lot of times by very intelligent people, and yet they are very wrong. How is that?

Bald Donald Trump

Transcrição para o português:

As pessoas vão se chutar na bunda. Elas acham que sabem o que está acontecendo, e não sabem.

Mesmo para as pessoas que estão tentando realmente ficar por dentro do que está acontecendo, por causa do avanço da tecnologia, é muito difícil.

Podemos fazer previsões, podemos tirar conclusões. Elas podem estar certas ou não. Mas pelo menos as pessoas estão no reino da compreensão quando fazem isso. A pessoa média não. Elas não estão prestando atenção.

E elas vão ser pegas completamente desprevenidas. Eu ouço todos os pessimistas, vejo os vídeos dos pessimistas, muitas vezes de pessoas muito inteligentes, e ainda assim elas estão muito erradas.

Como é isso?