Things are starting to look pretty good for gold lately.

There have been so many headlines in the last few days that are positive for gold. This debt ceiling circus is the latest one that made the market blink.
We all know it's a game of good cop versus bad cop and in the end, they will just raise it like they always have. I still think there is a chance our credit rating gets downgraded and the rest of the world continues to wean dollars off of their balance sheet.
Some people think the dollar can't be replaced!

This has happened over and over so many times in the past. All reserve currencies fail in the end! I believe more now than ever that a basket of commodities including gold and silver will be the only way out of this mess.
I hope you have saved in gold and silver with some crypto too. The dollar may look strong compared to other currencies but it's still losing buying power every day. The giveaway is gold moving up with interest rates, they all said that can't happen!
Some more headlines going around today!
Gold Jumps, Dow Dumps YTD Gains As 'Hard Landing' & Debt-Ceiling Fears Surge
Yahoo Finance
US officially hits debt limit, begins 'extraordinary measures' to pay bills
Ruble and yuan dominate Russia-China trade – Lavrov
There have been so many more headlines leading up to a surge in gold that I can't keep up with them anymore. Let's not even mention the Saudis leaning toward BRICS and talks of a Petro Yuan for oil. (very bad for the dollar)
This market is toast and we are in a recession even if they want to change the rules of what that means. The real estate market is a goner and all the jobs that go with it. I still can't believe people bought that bubble again!
I guess this is a post about trying to warn people to protect what wealth they have managed to save. I think this will be a bad year for investments and a good year to hide in safe havens!

Thank you for reading my blog and have a great day!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah.... stay golden!!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You know it!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The best investment now is gold. Better than buying any stocks !
So true right now, and my miners are starting to wake up. This could be the start of a nice rally!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Thanks, Precious!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta