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RE: Hive: What Kind Of Progress Are We Really Making?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

From what I've read.. that was the intention. Built on the belief that blogging was going to blow up with rewards attached (attract mainstream). Thus the activity of steemit would then sustain SBD as the stablecoin which could then be used in those more ambitious projects like a marketplace.

It didn't take off though.
An elite circle of jerk masters developed and rewards were very selective. Then under Ned it became: pay to play/win.

@dan says he left because he was getting censored but that's not true. He only got censored because he kept promoting EOS after he had left. As if Ned had any authority over him. Ned never had a clue about anything. He depended on others and the reason those others got slack on furthering steem is because the leadership under Ned was garbage.

This chain is just too basic for big dreams.
No Trojan. A little ladder on the side of the wall in a siege that never really troubled mainstream is all.

As steemit and as Hive.

The future doesn't look any different.
A different Dan seeks to take this chain further. Directing an agro that really just wanted to keep h-e as is. So the solution of making h-e into SMT is looking to be a very low effort solution.

"No code" smart contacts the dream...
