Looks like you received an upvote from @ranchorelaxo and so you became victim of crossfire.
Why is that @blocktrades?
Why must innocent people be the ones who take the L. That's why this operation is so hypocritical. @theycallmedan blows the "building community" trumpet but then you, a partner, works to destroy community (not directly but inadvertently).
These things don't exist as meaningless either. They're part of the reason why the future of this place is in danger of collapsing when options for the user present themselves. You yourself led an exodus out of steemit when tyranny threatened stability.
Surely there's another way to continue the pissing contest without hurting people who are doing exactly what you want, and ask of them.. adding their content and building their communities organically.
You're confused about my motivations for the downvotes. If you actually want to understand them, instead of just making assumptions, you can read my reply to the poster.
Your words then were that you held the view that he was trying to instigate you so you were downvoting in retaliation.I'm going on a previous reply you made regarding the same action, only that time it was against @haejin.
Either way crossfire was the result.
There was no reply at the time of my comment but I'll proceed to read now to gain better understanding.