I have my little routine, when I don't get on for a day or so, that is when it comes crashing down hehe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have my little routine, when I don't get on for a day or so, that is when it comes crashing down hehe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see. But it obviously takes a lot of discipline. All I have time for right now is to answer replies and then it is shower and into bed with me!
Much of my time is answering replies too. I find if I do the giveaways when I am mentioned it can take fluffing ages!
Hahahaha. I go to replies first and then mentions.
jeje that is how I do it too!
Lol. Good. I am on the right track then. Basically, all I do not have is enough time dedicated to talking to as many people as I can on Hive each week.
the problem for me is discord, it is very easy to lose time in there, if I do that then the people I talk to on hive drops, so its all swings and roundabouts!
Indeed and yet you find somewhat better support by also being active on Discord as well. You cannot totally ignore it.