Interesting. I think I've read your previous posts, or someone else's, about Osmosis but I didn't look into it.
What do fees look like on that chain?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting. I think I've read your previous posts, or someone else's, about Osmosis but I didn't look into it.
What do fees look like on that chain?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Tiny. they actually have a no fee option at the moment, to give people the chance to swap from ATOM or other tokens and get some OSMO to get going. The swap fees are dependant on the pool itself, anyone can make a pool and fees are customizable by the pool creator. Most of the main pools are set at 0.2% swap fee, a little less than Uniswap for example.
Even when Gas is not free, it will be tiny, a few cents worth at most.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thats nice. I think high fees really drive away smaller investors so hopefully they will be able to get some money going in
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta