
There are just too many battery ventures right now. Is there anything here that makes them stand out?

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It looks like they will focus on racing cars and high-end stuff so maybe that's where they are trying to stand out, but I'm not sure... I guess we'll have to wait and see

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They will need to if they want to keep up with Tesla. All of them are lagging.

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I still think the European automakers might have some tricks up their sleeves when it comes to electric cars, we shall see

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They don't need to keep up with Tesla. They need to gget people back on the road as fast as possible when they need to refuel. Chemistry and physics place hard limits on battery power and usage, so effort needs to be put instead on getting drivers back on the road quickly. Solve that problem, sales of electric vehicles will take off and earnings for the company providing that capability will go to the moon.

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