"Everyone has this long-term sort of mindset with #Hive..."
I agree completely, and I definitely think this entrenched position softens any retractions that may come after these pumps. Someone needs to fill me in on this Korean narrative though... I was assuming the pumps are likely due to increasing interest on the gaming side with things like #Splinterlands and #AxieInfinity.
Great conversation though, Jose... I feel like this unexpected windfall is actually stressing out a lot of #Hivians, people who like to set public goals and have a clean system to get there. Or maybe some are a bit frustrated because they don't have any liquidity to take advantage of what they see as a temporary blip. I'm with you though: I feel like we've broken new ground, but it's solid enough to stand on and move forward.
Time will tell.
Cheers! Keep up the good work. :)
Well anxie infinity is totally not part of the chain but Splinterlands is and to some large extent, However, recently Splinterlands has contributed to how hive has been adopted and grown at least in the past one year. That said, there's been so many conspiracy theory especially in the aspects of the Korean, but my major point is that Hive deserves the recent prices and More because lesser projects have even mooned a lot.
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Oh damn! Sorry... I thought Axie was a Hive game. My bad. But I agree with you overall: as we see more development and adoption, the value should translate over to the Hive token price.