My Parents' Hope For Haiti Dwindles During This Current Crisis


Haiti's Having A Rough Go Of It

I want for my parents to return to their mother country for retirement, but the country they knew no longer exists.


I'm The Son Of Haitian Immigrants

I must thank my parents for their dogged determination. In this day and age, I'm not certain I would manage to leave the country in which I was born to settle in a new one. I'm lucky in a major way. I don't disparage the country; I still have family there, in fact. Yet, the state of post-Moise Haiti does not inspire a lick of confidence, let alone images of safe, secure retirement for its oldest citizens. I am too young and removed to speak well on the matter, but the country's faced its fair share of civil upheaval, under three presidents and more than one coup-de-tat.

What's more, I understand. There isn't another place I'd like to spend the rest of my days than somewhere idyllic and slow, near where I grew up. Yet, unlike my parents, I ran on the familiar streets near a park in quaint town inspired by the whole brook and water system nearby. I would walk to Walgreens and the local pizza place. My parents would not see much but gang violence, random heaps of refuse on fire, and disorganized citizens protesting for something, though not explicitly defined.


My Parents Cannot Return There...

And you would not either, given absolute choice in the matter. Hell, the former Prime Minister Ariel Henry gets it. He's recently stepped down in response to bids from local gangs and their current faction leader, Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier, to overthrow him, among their other plans. Listen to what Cherizier had to say.

"Today, we are taking the occasion to tell the international community to give Haiti a chance. Because what is happening in Haiti now, we Haitians have to decide who is going to lead the country and what model of government we want. We are going to figure out how to get Haiti out of the misery it is in now."

Jimmy doesn't sound like such a bad guy, and with the context of this country in mind, it sings with empowerment and national identity. The only caveat proves to be the biggest: the country begs for political, economic, and social reform of the highest magnitudes. I mean, people are trading devalued currency in these informal markets, carrying their wares across the land to get meager livings. Disruption has interrupted regular institutions like hospitals. I still remember my mother spreading good will by breaking money in envelopes to the most affected patients- but of course, generosity could only go so far with so many in need, and not so much to give. Yet, she persevered.

Still, I don't want her to push so much for this place. Not because she doesn't love it, but because so far, the country doesn't seem to be the best place to return.



Haiti is also on fault lines which created massive earthquakes in past. I wouldn't return as well.

Right. The island represents an ideal, but the reality looks dangerous.

Wow! I didn’t know Haiti was in such a state currently. I am so sorry to hear this.

I guess you are the guy in that photo, a younger version of you.
It's so unfortunate that a lot of countries are in hopeless states and nothing to write home about.
Let your Mom take her time, at least until she is absolutely convinced of the safety to return home.

There are many problems in this country, you can live wherever you want for your convenience

I heard about what is presently happening in Haiti and it made me sad
I hope your parents stay calm and safe

I was not really aware of what Haiti is facing. I wish everyone of them strong at this hard time they are facing right now

I pray that everyone over there at Haiti really are alright at this current time and season of their life