This has been an ongoing debate since the "other" blockchain days. The voting system is in some ways a form of censorship if it is abused. For the most part though, it's community policing. It seems to work well on spammer accounts and does seem to handle the riff - raff. Abuse does happen from time to time and accounts have been singled out.
Cancel culture is an issue and I do think something should be done about the powers whales have with their downvotes. I don't think CC has a place on HIVE.
I would love to see a system where if 100 people liked the offending post, a single downvote from a whale shouldn't be able to destroy the thread or the post earnings. The voting system could definitely use improvement. I'd also like to see a system to block people from your content. If someone is constantly downvoting your material, it's obvious they don't like it, I don't see the problem with blocking them so you don't have to offend them anymore. Problem solved. This also works the other way where I would be able to block subject matter I'm not comfortable with. That's how freedom of speech works. You're free to voice your opinion, I'm free to ignore it! I generally only downvote blatant spam and scammy behaviour, but I'd have no problem blocking content I'd prefer not to see.
Simple answer to all this.... There is no simple answer. The current system is the best we have and beats just having your account deleted or canceled one day because you said one thing off color. I would love to see a serious discussion voted on about changing the voting system to prevent abuse though. There is definitely room for improvement here!
Is saying the name Steemit subject to censorship here now as well?
No it really isn't. It's like Lord Voldemort, it's the chain that shalt not be named! 🤣