Telegram gives out the informations if there are terrorist groups or attacking plans.
Many people that are not in that "line of work" are not concerned about this, their main concern is their photos and messages. In fact, Im really happy if telegram can find and give all the criminals that plan attacks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I understand where you comming from, but this is the deabte between privacy and to what extend authoristies shall have access to information about the individual. Only a few bad actors are required to missuse information they have access to. Shall we be fearing the possibility of bad actors misusing information about the individuals in society? Or shall we think positively, this will never happen? It would be too naive to think the later, therefore we shall be careful with who we give the ability to do something with all our digital information, and to what extend we allow them to be able to do something with this information.
I understand what you mean! And yes I agree, no platform is 100% safe to give all infos in it, thus pretty much many of our infos are in online databases, if we become a target theres is not much we can do!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta