That is exactly why I continue to stack BTC. Long ago I realized that owning land was a bad deal thanks to property tax, just fail to make your payments for a couple years and see what what happens! The government takes it away...
I do like gold and silver that I possess, never let someone else control your assets. The one risk with gold is the government can make it illegal to own gold just like President F. D. Roosevelt did in the 1930's. In a way that's why I like silver a bit more.
Now if those idiots start trying to print "paper" BTC they may as well get ready to file for bankruptcy. But hey, it's their funeral...
Great post and great advice, always be the custodian on all your crypto!
If crypto moons I'm definitely going to buy some silver.
Jury is still out on gold put I'd probably pick some up as well.
The thing about physical gold and silver is that there is very much a cap on how much I would be comfortable holding in person. To me it's a much bigger hedge than an investment (I don't expect value to perform well), it's just more like an oh-shit button just in case, so I'd never want more than like $10k-$20k even if I was a crypto millionaire.