True, but it will become more centralized. Generating revenue to buy back Hive would be great, but getting everyone to agree is going to be a tough sell. Plus the value plan didn't get much discussion, just more spending. It's definitely an option, but getting enough people to agree will be a tough sell I think... But I'm no guru on this stuff either, so I don't really know how it would be done...
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Getting people to agree is always an issue on Hive and that's why we're always slow to get things done here. It's why the Valueplan issues still lingers and may continue to.
In reality we need the external revenue for Hive and I think it might be worth it, I mean whatever we sacrifice
I'm starting to think we do too...
We do need it, imagine if it could pay for valueplans expenses that it has incurred over the years.
That would help immensely, debt is an anchor around the neck of Hive dragging it down...