Reason Magazine has fully crossed into fake news, statist-shilling territory. 🤮
In the past week, they've published numerous headlines against Trump, claiming he's going to prosecute political opponents and crack down on free speech (he had the chance to try that in 2016 and he didn't).
Meanwhile, the Harris administration and its allies have literally has done this by going after Trump, Bannon, etc. with egregious and excessive prosecutions and pressuring social media companies into censoring a news story that very likely changed the last election.
They're now pushing for ending Section 230, which could be used to compel social media platforms to censor content, including by creators like Reason. But Reason ignores these real threats to liberty completely and fully embraces Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Reason is the enemy of the people and shouldn't be taken seriously. No matter who you want to vote for.
Media bias is a valid concern, and holding outlets accountable for balanced reporting is essential. While Reason has a libertarian stance, it's important to scrutinize their coverage and ensure fair discussions, especially around issues like Section 230 and free speech.
Yes. They had a libertarian stance. Today it's much less apparent.
Sample headline, I don't want to give their website any more clicks
Whatever libertarians there are who still read Reason magazine should switch to other publications and media. They're out there.