Finally got the premium buy HBD, I hope buying premium is a Go guys?
Any advice on exactly how to do it or I should just go to premium page? #premium
Finally got the premium buy HBD, I hope buying premium is a Go guys?
Any advice on exactly how to do it or I should just go to premium page? #premium
just go for it!
i have man, but it said sent to leopool but there was an error showed so I'm my next thread I have made a feedback and screenshot
#premiumgang 🦁🦁
it's a gang, the I'm in it.. how long will it take to show the badge though man?
Usually it doesnt tale that long, you can always poke @khaleelkazi and see if he cam speed it up
thank you so much man, I have to the checkmark now and so happy to be part of the gang now