Dear reader, i want to assume that we all know the basic definition of “cryptocurrency”. The crypto-market is a place for the trading of various cryptocurrencies for the sight of profit at a handsome rate. source
this is a broad and well organized community, filled with digital coins fighting for the top spot on the market. On the other hand, having traders work day and night having minimal sleep, trying to profit off this market. source It’s filled with possibilities, as different coins makes a lot of investors millionaires even billionaires in the long run. The game is played with patience or skill, this can not be acquired in a haste. Some top cryptocurrencies are
- Bitcoin(BTC)
- Ethereum(ETH)
- Ripple(XRP) Etc.
Dear reader, for the benefit of all parties, it is important to ‘Do Your Own Research” (DYOR) on every crypto investment thought and coin before investment any cash. No one will take responsibility for any loses because this is how the market work, not every one will take profit, most receive massive failure. But this are the trails of life, you have to stay committed and take loses as a lesson to improve yourself. source It’s a game of endurance which needs dedication.
so my answer is “YES” the crypto-market can be very profitable, only if you are well embedded in the system.
These are some few sites to keep yourself updated on cryptocurrency news and transactions:
- Coinmarketcap(my personal favorite) coinmarketcap
- Coingecko coingecko
- Youtube: mainly for live analysis and watching crypto guru’s youtube
- Twitter: mainly for following cryptocurrencies accounts and influencers. Twitter
your informative crypto guy @theichie
Special Thanks @sonofremi @kingkenny44
Ichieee manny ✔✔