
tap tap

so much violence, it's cat atrophic 😅

Good morning. I'm getting myself ready to go to work.


  • participate in #lpud
  • lead a work break down and prio session
  • run 10-15km
  • meditate 30 min

POwer up Leo, renew my prem sub, make a post.

1 and 2 done. Remains 3.

That's fantastic.

I make a post every 3 days on average. Sometimes I just free-write and look for a relevant community to post into. Most times, I write science-themed posts and post in the stemsocial community.

That's fantastic, I have only posted on inleo, I guess I should try one other community.

You should!

For me it is going back on inleo and be more active since I haven't been for like 10days. Still do a bit of curation in the background though.