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RE: The Guy - Is Having One Good For The Blockchain?

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Oh I understand what it's drivers are, I have been around this space for a long time at this point and worked in many different ecosystems in the space. I used to work as a validator team in the Cosmos ecosystem during the last cycle and it was a nightmare. Just a bunch of crap chains dropping crap coins with absolutely no utility other than to dump and run on their greedy little followers who cared nothing about crypto and just wanted to make fiat gains. They were all rude and would only stake with you if you gave them shit for free. This caused a crap ton of centralization at the top with teams giving away NFTs and stupid shit like that. It causes issues with chain security when you have all the stake with a few players.

It was a complete nightmare to be honest and not what the original fundamentals of the space are about. Chains like Solana, Cosmos, and other ecosystems are driven by greed for the most part. Those of us who have been here for quite a while have more discipline and conviction over their investments. Some don't, but they are gamblers in my opinion. Crypto is an industry. For me it's a true business where I make my money everyday, so I take it more seriously. I am here for the freedom money and to create an alternative economy outside of the traditional system. You know, doing commerce with true peer to peer cryptocurrencies.

In many cases with Airdrops, it's not free money, nothing in this world is ever really free, you are giving up your time, data, or money in some kind of way. It's all a marketing gimmick because the devs hold the majority of the tokens that they use to tank the prices of the tokens before they run. Seen it too many times. I mean, do whatever you are going to do, but don't forget the reason crypto exists in the first place.