Blocktrades secures victory against Justin Sun

in LeoFinance2 years ago


By now, I am sure most people have heard the lawsuit vs Steemit Inc (aka Justin Sun) was concluded recently. You can read some of the case history here, specifically the final posted document here.

The final publicly available document discloses the final settlement.

Pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the Court’s March 7, 2023 Order Regarding Settlement and
Disbursement of Interpleader Res, Bittrex, Inc. hereby notifies the Court and the Parties that
Bittrex has disbursed the disputed funds consisting of 8,752,313.006 Steem and 294.207 SBD to
Plaintiffs in the manner directed by Plaintiffs.

This means everyone named in the lawsuit specifically or by proxy was returned their Steem. Any user who was not part of the case had their Steem sent to Justin Sun a while ago by Bittrex. Unfortunately, this means Justin Sun managed to get around 15M Steemy for himself.

This case spanned around 3 years and would never been possible without @blocktrades effort and resources.

Personally, I had just over 170,000 Steem stolen from my account while also having my account completely censored at the RPC level. At the time I opened an issue on GitHub to leave a documentation trail. The issue remains open and ignored by Steemit Inc.


Steem was just over 24 cents on May 20th, 2020 when hard fork 23 stole 23.6M Steem. At the time of the settlement, and when most parties sold, Steem was around 20 cents. Today it went up another 6% to 21.5 cents, how the fuck? Hopefully as the word gets out, the market will reflect the value a little more accurately (~$0.00 +/- $0.00).


Thanks @blocktrades for all your work. This would never have been possible without you. I am so glad to put this behind me.

Being a good developer, I went ahead and closed my GitHub issue for Steem regarding hard fork 23.


Why you should vote me as witness

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Is Robin Hood going to pull off the mask, or just ride off into the sunset?
Either way, if you read this, mate; thank you for your service :)

I suspect he/she will ride into the sunset like satoshi.
But the graphic image will remain with many of us forever.

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In the best of all possible worlds, there would have also been huge compensatory damages as well as a one-way trip to Guantánamo. A boy can dream.


This is a great result and I hope it's another nail in Steemit's coffin. I also had my account censored over there for daring to criticise them, but did not lose my funds. Of course I sold it all long ago and that helped boost my Hive account. It's just crazy that $STEEM has not lost more value. The markets need to know how crap it is with no development going on there. They are still recruiting users who could do better over here.

I would have sold and been out, but when Hive Keychain was released it had a double broadcast bug to Hive and Steem when I cancelled my Hive power down after the fork which at that point I didn't have enough time to get out. The moment I saw the Ask Me Nothing with Ned & Justin, I knew Steem was fucked and I removed delegations and started to power down. I would have been out in time.

Arghs... costly bug

That’s annoying, should have slumped to nothing by now

I am glad it only took 3 years, but what a pain.

And i still think, if we would have done things different, would it have worked out better?
Would, kissing the ring of Sun made any difference?
Should we have gone really scorched earth?
But the only true solutions go all the way back to the ninja-mining.

That week of ninja mining was always the sword of Damocles hanging over Steem, and I had a lurking suspicion about it ever since I learned the details. I am glad HIVE seems to have fixed that problem and fully decentralized with no corporate ties anywhere. I like how the chain effectively exists globally without anyone's permission now.

So are you finally buying the yacht you were telling us about?

I'd never buy a yacht, they are huge money sink and 170,000 Steem wouldn't even cover the dock fees.

Just buy a small yacht

This count?


Lol... too rich for my blood, if I'm honest.

15M is significant, wild theft.

Any legal fines against Steemit due to the theft?

No, as it isn't our place to do that and I don't see the government making a case against them.

It's been a US based company at that time. I'm so confused by the way they exposed themselves and nothing is happening.

Fuck Justin Sun, but yeah, the feds with fuck things up for everyone the more they get involved anywhere in the world, but especially the US.

Justin Sun is an asshole, the world would be better without people like him.

This is awesome! Justice was done. Still, hard to understand why Bittrex gave those funds to Sun. Sort of hard, knowing the long periods of "maintenance" for HIVE on Bittrex.

They don't have a protocol to handle the situation they were put in. When there are regulations it isn't as easy as picking sides.

Ok, you know more than I do on the matter.

Congrats on getting your funds back. I wish everyone got them back but something is still better than nothing. Sun can choke on those stolen millions of Steemy...

@tipu curate

Congratulations for getting your steem back. Never knew the cas has been in court all this while.
So Bittrix will finally disburse the remaining steem to Justin? What he never worked for? That's really bad.
Wish others could file a lawsuit as well...but it's gonna take a whole lot of processes.

Congratulations on getting your Steem back. 👏

He's made his cut, don't you worry about that guy. You don’t have to make multiple millions too often in your life to live comfy.

This is a cool gif .
I haven’t seen it in a long time, nor this long haired Ned.
I remember when this truly reflected the big money being made on Steemit.

My favorite deep fake

I'm so glad to see that everyone received their own money stolen from them. Also, this is just a beginning of a new era for Justin.

FreeChain documentary will make things clear for everyone 😉

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not everyone, a lot of people didn't get involved and those tokens were returned to Justin Sun by Bittrex. Kind of a slap in the face imo.

Congrats on winning. This will also be inspiration for other people who faced same.

Progress! Justin Sun is invited to take a long walk off a short pier and arm-wrestle a giant squid.

Post voted 100% for the hiro.guita project. Keep up the good work.

New manual curation account for Leofinance and Cent

I still have some SP in Steemit, what do you recommend?

Probably you will never see them priced like 1$ or more, so better sell before they havent reached their 'little more accurate value' (~$0.00 +/- $0.00, as Marky put it). 😨

That's something you will need to decide on your own. Although you probably can guess my opinion.

Well, i kept my SP, and then started posting again.
Nobody from the old school is there much anymore.

All of the top posts are in Korean
I don't find anything i want to read.

But, the question is, do you wait for the bull market when all cryptos will probably rise, or sell it now?

In fact, the amount is not a big deal. However, I think to convert TRX to HIVE at least.

Good riddance.

What are you planning to do with the money?

Buy that sandwich I always wanted.

Share pics!

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @documentinghive, @hiro-hive, @taskmaster4450le, @muneeb487, @jongolson, @seckorama, @rzc24-nftbbg ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Congratulations, the truth will always prevail

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh I wish that was true.

Congratulations, it's sad to see that some people comoli lost theirs forever in the process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, and the fact he gets it really ticks me off. I really hope the SEC nails him to the wall, but I have my doubts.

One day he's going to get what he deserves. How long do you think he can continue with what he does? One 💩 after another? The road is narrowing down for him, with his reputation, he won't get far.

He will get very far..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your content is very interesting, in a while I'll read it in more detail because at the moment I'm without my glasses on, but the little doll that shoots at the end catches my attention, how did you do it? haha!
it's very funny and original.

It's an animation (GIF) of Mal Reynolds from the show Firefly.

I read in an earlier docket entry that this was settled by mutually agreeable terms, and was worried that you all had to cut a painful deal to close this. If you were all able to get your Steem back,and the saving grace is that the shit coin hasn't dropped too much over the years, it surely is the silver lining. Congrats.

I just feel so sorry for the owner of the remaining 15m Steemit, and the price they have to pay to preserve anonymity

Not everyone was aware, I doubt @freedom was keeping tabs for example and a large portion of it was his.

Congrats, I heard through the grapevine this had been resolved, I'm very happy for you, just a shame about that other 15M!

I am honestly very happy for you man. This is great news.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats on getting your money back!

Glad you and a couple of others were able to get some coins back and at least dump them for something.

It is a shame the SEC would not view a lawsuit like this tying up your rightful ownership to those coins as a 3-year attempt at market manipulation. Even more so with that coin pumping on the news millions of the coin are expected to get dumped.

This has to be seen as a win and as you say you can now put this behind you. 3 years is still a long time to fight for what was rightfully yours.

Hey @themarkymark, here is a little bit of BEER from @katerinaramm for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congrats on getting yours back and I feel sorry for all of those that were not a part of the case.
It seems that Sun still got away with the biggest share, but karma will get him.

Thanks for sharing, @themarkymark! I missed this development entirely. Huge news!

Congratulations Marky!!

Congrats on finally closing that chapter. What a shit show that was.. Glad you have them returned but I wonder how it's justified for that 15M to be sent to Sun himself..

Steemit chapter, closed. Move along now, nothing to see there anymore :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

wow wow great great,,,, Congrats on getting your funds back.

do not forget treat for us, we always pray for you,, for this victory, may Allah bless you every success in life . there is always victory for honest and hard work . again sir ,, Congrats on getting your funds back.


so HAPPY to read this!!!!!

I am very glad a portion of the funds were restored to their original owners. Too bad it had to even go this route in the first place.

This is an amazing judgement for the plaintiff. Congratulations on your victory.

Well done to @blocktrades and @themarkymark for pursuing the case.

The wheels of justice grind slowly but got there in the end for many people that got robbed by Sun.

Bitrex will probably get charged along with Justin Sun for market manipulation.

Sun has already been served.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is awesome man! Fantastic news, just sucks that it took this long.

huh. cool!

Turn that into recovered STEEM into HIVE already and ditch that crap. NO winning for Justin Sun

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yuhh it's passed already 3 years since that moment when that story was began.
But suddenly another one hive member just reminded in his post how all has happened.
If to talk about me I remember how it all started -- first posts that something bad can happen with Steem. I remember that moments when Hive blockchain came to live. I mean that countdown, maintenance break, that transfer to new blockchain. And I'm glad that this story finished not so bad for you and some other people even after several years!
Hope funds which were returned go to a good cause!

Anyway way let me repeat myself.
All of us should remember lessons of the past and not to allow anybody repeat that drama!

I wish you good luck and thaks to @blocktrades for their help and assistance!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( seckorama, brosonleo ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

It's great to see that this long and arduous legal battle has finally come to a conclusion. Hive won! I guess

Congratulations to @blocktrades and the rest for their relentless effort and persistence in seeking justice for the affected Steem Hive users.

While it's unfortunate that not everyone was able to recover their stolen Steem like @freedom, this outcome still sends a strong message about the importance of protecting user rights and assets in a decentralized community.

So my question for you is how do you plan to do with the recovered stolen funds, if you do not mind telling? :)

I don’t typically disclose what I plan on doing with my finances. But I will not grow my public accounts due to man children throwing a hissy fit for flagging abuse they support for the last year.

Fair enough.

Again, congratulations :)

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