I look on an almost daily basis at my Hive-Engine tokens and the token history, I've been getting 0.018 to 0.025 from blockhead games for several days, then the small 8 CPU's I get another 0.60 on average, it all adds up, to where I do not need to add much to make the next full Ape. I'm trying to keep it simple for myself, 10 of each thing, two more CPU's then I move on to getting ten clouds.
A slow long process, but a challenge with all the other token goals I have.
I look on an almost daily basis at my Hive-Engine tokens and the token history, I've been getting 0.018 to 0.025 from blockhead games for several days, then the small 8 CPU's I get another 0.60 on average, it all adds up, to where I do not need to add much to make the next full Ape. I'm trying to keep it simple for myself, 10 of each thing, two more CPU's then I move on to getting ten clouds.
A slow long process, but a challenge with all the other token goals I have.