Your passive aggressive bullshit of switching to another language when you know I (and you) speak English was adorable, and in fact the entire conversation was previously English. So I won't waste my time on your bullshit.
I am German. I speak German.
Speaking English to anybody is a friendly gesture from my side reserved for people which I consider approaching me in a friendly, open way. Simple as that.
Ja, Gut'Nacht. :)
Don't forget.
Your passive aggressive bullshit of switching to another language when you know I (and you) speak English was adorable, and in fact the entire conversation was previously English. So I won't waste my time on your bullshit.
I am German. I speak German.
Speaking English to anybody is a friendly gesture from my side reserved for people which I consider approaching me in a friendly, open way. Simple as that.
See you in 10 years, still crying about a downvote.
Bis irgendwann mal, @themaximizermark, lol. :)
Und lerne fleißig Fremdsprachen und Schach!
gooba gooba doo
Ja, alles wird bald gut. :)