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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - March 2024

in LeoFinance11 months ago

The beginning is so damn slow. It's like a grind before you "take control" of your character, and it seems to do everything in it's power to make it a pain in the ass to do anything. At least in the beginning. I plan to come back to it and finish it, and I'm sure once I get going I'll love it, but the first few hours I wanted to throw my computer out the window. I love cut scenes, I love great intros, but I hate long winded tutorials that force you down a narrow path not allowing you to do what you want. It also runs like crap on even the best hardware. If that wasn't enough on Linux it is a big pain in the ass due to the custom loader they keep changing making it harder to get running.


I can see where you're coming from, the intro does seem to go on, but once you get out of the snowy part of the map the world truly opens up and is great to explore and get lost in. The characters are all great, and Arthur is one of the best written and developed characters I've played as in a long time.

It's been while since I started the game, but I remember there was some other things that really annoyed me. The game looks great and I know I will enjoy it, but the few hours really tests your patience.