Fidelity's latest valuation of its stake in X implies that Elon Musk's social network is worth about 71.5 percent less than when Musk bought the company in October 2022
Fidelity's latest valuation of its stake in X implies that Elon Musk's social network is worth about 71.5 percent less than when Musk bought the company in October 2022
Thanks for opening my eyes, actually I've been in major depression for 4 years. I also took
several ECT. things are harder for me, I lost emotions and feelings. sports blog writing is easy for me. that's why I have created sports posts, but I will not create sports posts, will focus on my theme, I know it's not easy for me.
Now you check my blogs, I hope you like my blogs. I have a monetize YouTube channel and website but very less focus on there due to my mental illness, but now I focus on my theme, I know it's not easy for me but will do.