No one hounded you about Hives proposal. I was very peppy, accepting and joyful. SOme would even call it elfish.
I was interested in objective feedback. What i got was REEEEEEEEEEEE, from Bernies twin.
But no matter. Im just worried about your personal hygiene. Thats why i brought you this towel.
If salty means irritated by your future actions i admit wholeheartedly to it. Im just saying, keep that towel dry. 😉
Oh I thought it was because I said no when you hounded me about your proposal.
No one hounded you about Hives proposal. I was very peppy, accepting and joyful. SOme would even call it elfish.
I was interested in objective feedback. What i got was REEEEEEEEEEEE, from Bernies twin.
But no matter. Im just worried about your personal hygiene. Thats why i brought you this towel.
If you say so