I would recommend putting the results in a markdown table, would be easier to read and look better.
| Token | Opening Price | Closing Price | Change |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| BTC | $28.923 | $47.911 | +65.65% |
| ETH | $736,42 | $1779,25 | +141.6% |
Token | Opening Price | Closing Price | Change |
BTC | $28.923 | $47.911 | +65.65% |
ETH | $736,42 | $1779,25 | +141.6% |
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Didn't know how to do it...feels embarrassed... lemme edit it. It will def look better.
By the way do you also know the div left - div right command? I thought I had bookmarked those commands yet I can't find them anywhere
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
<div class="pull-right"> </div>
I have a really thorough resource on Markdown that covers most everything in detail, it's an old post but still 100% relevant. I tried to cover most everything.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bookmarked. Thanks Mark
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ditto. Bookmarked. Thank you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Killer! Thanks for this, a lot to learn from this post Mark
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome! Thank you for this link! You may consider recycling it and reposting it. It received 280 votes four years ago and with all the new people here, I would think it would probably get that many again. I, for one, wouldn't begrudge you getting the upvotes twice. It's really a great post.
To be honest, I thought about making a post of my own and just linking yours.... haha!!! That would be cheating! :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Don't forget the sub (subtitles) and code commands!
<sub></sub> <code></code>
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I prefer ``` (3 backticks) for code.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ah... so easy.
You can use a single backtick if you are only doing one line.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
sub command is smaller scale than 6# ?
Wtf am I the only noob around here?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Shit bro you can even do nested subs!
<sub>sub1</sub> <sub><sub>sub2</sub></sub> <sub><sub><sub>sub3</sub></sub></sub>
Check out this crazy shit!
Get with the program, noob!
Where have these things been all my life
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is sup command still working?
seems like working.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Geeks...everywhere I look...left or right a dev...always a dev.
Good stuff. Bookmarked too. Thanks...
My posts need some style.
PS. Wtf can't even read sub3 on Leofinance front end. Goes to 4 5 6 etc?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yeah sub3 is fun if you want to write something that would need to be copy/pasted to read :D