I hear you. I can see wanting to do things anonymous for non-nafarious reasons. There are some things I’d want to do and see how well it does without my name behind it.
That being said, tribes are extremely centralized as they are now and trust is a huge factor.
That's exactly why I'm anon. I just dont want to be caught up irl with someone trying to get me fired because they hate my politics. Theres been a few people who were not anon in our group and they got doxxed and ppl tried to get them fired for a petty argument over hockey that turned into someone seeing the other also liked trump.
One never knows the way it will go with how toxic politics are in general and it's also why I deleted Facebook 6 or 7 years ago.
It's weird. When I was on fb I was arguing politics with former high school teachers, saw friends tearing eachother apart. Its insane