Back in 2020, I hosted a STEMGeeks Hackathon that raised 12,623.370 HIVE (~$4,000 at the time) from donations.
One of the biggest results of the hackathon was HiveOnboard by @roomservice, coming in first place. In my opinion, this was a huge win for Hive and dramatically improved our onboarding experience.
This time around I want to greatly increase the exposure of the Hackathon outside of Hive. I am reaching out to journalists and want to announce the Hackathon on many tech platforms outside of Hive and potentially even buy ads.
I plan on submitting a proposal to fund the prize pool rather than depend on donations from users. Although donations will be welcomed, I believe the DHF would be a good source of funding for this project that has the potentially to reach a lot of people outside of Hive and potentially create great improvements for our ecosystem.
With a bigger budget, I was thinking I should have more than three winning entries, spreading the prize pool to more contestants. I considered simple changes like 5 winners or even 10, or even base it on how many contestants there are.
The first hackathon was set for 2 weeks, I am considering extending this to one month or even longer. I think 2 weeks is a good time to have enough time for a decent prototype but it does limit how much functionality is available.
This time around, I am thinking about two phases. The first phase will keep a lot of participants, where the second phase will give more time to the final contestants to add more functionality and make more progress on their project. Each phase would have their own prize pool, everyone continuing to the second phase would win a portion of the prize pool.
I do know most people like to wait until the end to announce their project to keep it secret until the very end. This would change that strategy to some degree but potentially open each project to far more constructive feedback for the final entry.
I do however have some decisions to make, and I welcome everyone's opinion on this.
If you want to express your opinion, please leave a message in the comments answering any or all of these questions:
- How much should I request from the DHF for the prize pool?
- Should I create a proposal for marketing the hackathon?
- How many winners should be eligible for the prize pool?
- One phase or two phases?
- Got any ideas to make the Hackathon better?
- Would you be participating?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
But if I had to give one suggestion, it would be to have a week in advance where you encourage users and stakeholders to share "what problems they think are most worth solving". So that there is a list of suggested starting points and also issues that actually need a solution.
Anyways, I love the initiative! And will be happy to help in the ways that I can.
@maxgou you should have all the right channels to share this, and know a fair amount of people who could participate and win:).
I think, 45k is bit overkill. Hackathons doesn't need much marketing just need correct platform to initiate it, like you create hackathon where you see dozen developers. You can do 2 hackathons with that amount and have quite good exposure...
If asked from DHF, can we make it Hive Hackathon, not stemgeeks? That would serve as personal project otherwise and doesn't need DHF funding. But
Hive Hackathon
would be supported more widely as official hackathons that is done yearly likeHive Fest
.Hive Hackathon
name is more general and that should be marketed as part of proposal.that sounds about right
Stemgeeks has potential to be the next dapp that can bring students from schools / colleges / universities on HIVE. And any dapp built on HIVE will benefit HIVE for sure. I agree, it could be termed as Hive Hackathon and may be reward given in HIVE as well as STEM. HIVE from DHF Funding and STEM from burn rewards would be a good combination I think.
So are you saying, hive is not usable ? just brings me a blank page.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ill cover this with Ignite with a few press releases. A CT pop-up for related to the Hackathon might be a possibility as well (ill need to double check for that).
Related to the ads, id prefer avoiding spending already designated funds for HIVE promotion.
What I could do is ask Ignite to create a separate campaign based on analytics gathered for HIVE but you would have to create the banner ads and collect the advertising funds.
I think the timing of his post is 'interesting'....
There's nothing "interesting" about it.
It's been discussed in "other places", but it's finally out in the open.
Well let's hope the hatchet can be buried and there can be a coordinated effort in these 'other places' to stop two separate marketing initiatives becoming competitive rather than complimentary.
EDIT: what rishi said: payout in HIVE
This is super cool some great ideas and work come out of hackathons!
How much should I request from the DHF for the prize pool?
A: Not sure what the normal rates on these are but I would say anywhere from $10k - $25k should be sufficient to get people involved and make some headlines since you want to go as public with it as possible and make it worth their time. Make it all Cash no gimmick prizes like ipads or whatever.
Should I create a proposal for marketing the hackathon?
A: Yes, this is what the pool is used for the betterment of Hive.
How many winners should be eligible for the prize pool?
A: I'd say 3 Even with a $10k budget you're looking at a sizeable pool for all 3 $5k $3k $2k
One phase or two phases?
A: Two depending on how many enter will kind of determine this as well. Two allows you to find promising ideas and push forward with them into the next round so perhaps the first round is a lower win value and the second is where the big win comes in to provide motivation.
Got any ideas to make the Hackathon better?
A: Off hand no I'm not sure how the last ran.
Would you be participating?
A: No - just the QA guy lol the one the devs hate ;)
This is awesome I must say
Exemple for a Twitch live/youtube:
@mintrawa: Witness FR - Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 traveler ⛩️
Don't miss the Hive Power UP Day! more info here
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great. The previous hackathon was a big success and we got the Hive Onboarding tool.
I like this. One month's time is very good to even build a complete product instead of just a prototype. I remember someone did build a prototype in the last hackathon and won a prize and then that code was never touched after that. I understand that everyone have their own projects and commitments but Hackathon shouldn't be a place to make quick money just because they are popular on Hive. So, in my humble opinion, it is better to have final solutions than prototypes. Or at least 80% built and ready solutions.
Overall, I like this initiative so much and also the idea of taking this Hackathon to the open world. I guess this will create more awareness and can bring more traffic to Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great idea to push the development on Hive forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think one month would be a good change.
I really like what Hive got out of the first one and I hope with a larger rewards pool even more people will join.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will throw some ideas that can be executed as part of the Hackathon.
wow, its cool. I remember @roomservice handing out prize money to @filler and other participants which was really kind of him.
I thought that was pretty awesome.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, indeed.
I'm going to try my luck with an entry this year!
am down for supporting you man!
By the way, I would like to ask what is the difference between
Thank you.
STEMGeeks is my community, it is a Hive-Engine tribe and a Hive Community. The focus is on all STEM topics, from casual to professional. (Aka STEM Social) is more professor level focused and seems mostly on Science. It was around first on Steem, but I built my community to have focus on a wider audience and less formal.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a lot for the clarification. STEM on :)
I'll answer the questions I feel I am qualified to answer :)
@fredrikaa's suggestion sounds great.
Yes. A separate proposal to keep it transparent.
With two phases, 10 to qualify for the second round, 3 winners.
With one phase, 5 winners.
Not for the moment.
Yes, as a one-man-band without any hope to qualify for the second phase :)
Lets start thinking about the Idea to participate :)
The caption you write meaning for read and picture so cute in the relationship friends you are post.
agree, it could be termed as Hive Hackathon and may be reward given in HIVE as well as STEM. HIVE from DHF Funding and STEM from burn rewards would be a good combination I think.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The ideas are very encouraging and interesting
This is how your post looks like. Can you stop making shit? Stupid!