The Hive Engine is back in full operational mode

in LeoFinance2 months ago

The Hive Engine is finally back.

For the last several hours, I kept visiting the platform to check the balances of my tokens, stake, unstake, swap them, etc.

Unfortunately, I could not do any of these transactions.

I got a screen message that blocks and processing were slow, but they would eventually go through and show up on the screen.

Something similar happened some time ago, and I thought that my portfolio had totally disappeared in thin air.

Fortunately, the issue was successfully addressed by those in charge of running the Hive Engine.

So, this time, I knew that I just had to be patient for the problem to be resolved.

Beyond the technical aspects that affect the security of crypto transactions, trust in crypto is built with time, and I think that the Hive blockchain ecosystem is strongly oriented toward building trust with time.

In life, trust is not given, but it has to be earned.

Turning a problem into an advantage and opportunity for further growth is what really counts.

As Mr. Shakespeare said: “All’s well that ends well”.

User trust can be the bedrock for building a healthy and prosperous Hive coin, which will also have an impact on Hive-based applications, platforms, and transactions.

Personally speaking, I have followed a long, ongoing, learning curve when it comes to crypto, in general, and Hive, specific.

It’s like going to primary school again.

Unfortunately, we are adults now, and we hesitate to admit that we can’t understand something that seems to be straightforward.

When we understand it though, we realize its true value.

I think that the Hive Engine is a hidden, underrated gem in the arsenal of applications and platforms that make up the entire Hive blockchain ecosystem.

It deserves more attention from Hive users.

It is a star waiting to shine in the future, as it reaches its full, still untapped, potential.

With its wealth of options to stake, hold, transact for Hive users, it is a great tool that adds value and complements the already dynamic and progressive environment of the Hive blockchain.

Finally, if you haven’t explored and used the many possibilities offered by Hive Engine yet, I strongly recommend you to do that.

You can only benefit from it.

Hive Engine

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I agree. There are many gems on hive that somehow go unnoticed.
I’m really into V4V. Powerful tool that allows you to use post earning to spend on bitcoin lightning network.
But so many have no idea about it.
lol, we could go on and on with tools that deserve more use on hive 🤓

Thank you for this useful information about V4V.
I googled it and found a relevant article on British Podcast Awards.
It offers podcasters anonymity, speed, and flexibility of earnings, as far as I understand.
There are limitations, but the benefits for users should exceed those limitations.