Speculation - Let's Talk About It

in LeoFinance5 years ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

Speculation is a funny thing, I breakdown what I've learned from my experinces investing.

The time now is to be proactive for Hive.

▶️ 3Speak


No - People don't know what they want until they have had a taste of it and I hear what you are saying, but like I said last night and have said a THOUSAND times before.....

A vehicle is comprised of countless parts... each plays an integral role in the efficiency of the "whole".

The "cogs" is a facet that is NOT paid enough attention in this arena. With all due respect @theycallmedan - we already have MANY developers... developing a million things and all of them are amazing - but that does not fix the problem of appealing to the mass. That does not fix the problem of speaking a language that others understand! That does not fix the problem of people ALREADY here who lack enthusiasm to invest or spread the word of investment. That does not OFFER the fried chicken that everyone (subliminally) WANTS!!!!

I have said this before in a witness chat - I was "pooohoo'd" then and I will probably get the same now, but "guys at the top" need to start speaking a language that the average user can relate to - or at the very least, start listening to what we are SAYING!!! I am 3 years into this blockchain and 70% of the technicalities STILL bore me to death!!! BUT, I have my place and my purpose. I market and promote this space on a GROUND LEVEL - "get people to understand it" - find them a space and place where they will be looked after, that will teach them the fundamentals and essentially HELP THEM GROW!

Developing "NEW STUFF" is NOT going to eradicate the problems that we ALREADY have! Problems, which it is becoming apparent - ONLY ground level participants seem to GRASP! You are never going to get around the "logistics" - and developing MORE carrots that dangle at the eyes of newcomers is only going to create more holes in the whole!

I DETEST the way "on-boarding" is treated like a statistic! These are PEOPLE - they ALL need to know what to do and where to go! We have an absolute ABUNDANCE of newcomers... but how many of them are being guided?! Only as many as we "little people" can manage. That is ok, because as mentioned before, we ALL play our part in the whole... but more people here need to be mindful of these facets and pay ATTENTION to the importance of each!

WHY are we not making fried chicken for the people that are ALREADY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am! - well, I am trying at the very least!


This is the greatest comment I've seen!
And its exactly what needs to be done. We can have all these awesome initiatives to onboard people. They come, sign up and then are quickly forgotten because the devs have moved onto the next shiny object.

Retention is just as important as onboarding!

Shot dot! Appreciate the positive feedback.

When I first joined, there was a view counter. The consensus on why it was taken away was due to complaints POB was dead and posts with hundred(s) of votes only had like 3 or 4 views. From bidbots to autovoters it was obvious most of the highest paid posts received very few actual eyes on them. LINK

I'm going to take the initiative and make a few phone calls, send some messages to spread the word of Hive. There is still a lot of area to cover and to be hones not many people believe in our way of doing things, but that is because they have not tasted the fried chicken ;).

lol chicken feet you mean..

I am trying to give some leverage to the #HIVEGames for both because of what you said and because I kind of love games anyway, so why not to join both worlds and show others how fun can be to play games on HIVE.

I feel like playing the Rocky theme song during your podcast, "I'm a survivor."

Projects that survive a bear market are gold as sweet as honey.

Does trading ever wear you down? Sometimes it feels like a constant chase, but I have the sense that it depends on life position at the time.

Coming from a poker background helps me handle the swings. It def depends on the situation, a lot of getting worn out in investing comes from emotional swings.

a lot of getting worn out in investing comes from emotional swings.

I think that this is my issue at the moment - so much IRL going on. Hope you are keeping well mate.

Exelente publicacion, muy instructiva, te dejo i voto y te sigo,

This is the best thing I've hear don Hive so far. Solid thoughts and advice.


one things is very much important, hive 3speak is for every one, we should promote and courage every lanuge,so i am spreading words hive in every friends meeting, i am saying them, english is not important, just come and share your thought in your own native language, so i love hive , hive is for all

Let's see if it's this time (that I convince #HIVE dapp owners) to get more games on the dappradar website, besides @splinterlands. With my latest post, I mean.

Great advice Dan. It's so interesting to watch Hive during good and bad markets because the people committed to it are always there, rain or shine. The $hive price had not moved as much since the inception, but it doesn't seem to bother the Hive community, only the speculators.

Thanks for being at the forefront of this great platform and making such an effort to connect everyone.

very good post friend dan

Posted using Dapplr

Hey man!
I don't know absoultely nothing about developing, but I want to help this community because I love it and he has bog potential, difficult to find somewhere else so many stuff as here.
What can I do it's promoting it, I'm not an expert but I have few ideas, everyday I'm thinking about what to do for going viral and bring people here.
Unlike usual promoters I think that my semplicity can help a lot, people don't like scammers, I'm real person, not a fake, and that helps a lot.
I also love collaboration, and I'm working with few Hivers, I Hope that we can do something good for everyone.
I don't have a lot of time, working almost everyday, in my freetime I'm working on Hive and for Hive.
I don't pass too much time on the platform interacting, I think it's more important to speak about Hive outside the platform, as you said... If you told people that Hive it's good, when they will join it they will love it.

Currently, the best way to get eyeballs onto Hive is to be a top volume top gaining coin... we need everyone, especially whales, to help Hive get on the front page of exchanges and get peoples attention.

Remember when the Hive fork was announced? What happened to steem? It shot up in price and activity was exploding everywhere.
Twitter, reddit, but mainly the telegram groups were being flooded with new members asking “what is steem, what is hive, is it worth buy, what does it do”

Has anyone noticed hive one of if not the least expensive coins to withdraw from Binance? Our free and lightning fast transactions are epic but no one is using it.

We should also stress test the blockchain somehow (i believe there are techniques that can be used) to push our transactions per second to the absolute limit.

If we can show everyone that not only do we have a legit blockchain, not only do we sick communities, not only do we have alllll these projects built around hive, not only have we proven to be resistant to millionaire takeovers... but we have all of this and more!

Speculation is everywhere in investing. People don't always realize it and don't like admitting it, but in the end, all the value investors still rely on speculators to come back when momentum swings their way.

@logic are you downvoting me because of my delegation to @ctime?

Reward and/or content disagreement.
