Ouch, that absolutely sucks! But yeah, I've been scammed several times..
One time I bought a gift for my boyfriend, he wanted a Philips shaver and they were so expensive (the one he wanted at least). I could not afford a new one at the time as money was very tight.. I found a second hand (almost new) used one on a market site, transferred the money and lost it all. I think it was 50 bucks only, but honestly at the time that was like 10% of my monthly salary, money was super tight back then.
So yeah, that sucked, especially as I could not buy another one for him lol.. oops..
I reported him at the site, also threatened to contact the bank but I already heard for these amounts, save your energy, it's not worth it. So that was that..
Maybe you will be lucky though, if more reported him, you might face him being charged at one point, but that's not something that's helping you right now.. SUCKS!
Hoping a REAL good person comes to your path ;) <3