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RE: OUTGOING Votes & The Power Of ENGAGEMENT And Initiative 10.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Awesome counting statistical vote distribution!
I will learn more than now.
I am so happy for receiving top 20 upvote of onealfa.leo and taskmaster4450le.
I will try to post good content and comment. Because of English is my native language, I took many time to post and read. I read some post by Google Translation. So, I have been hard to understand truly and clearly.
Forgive me and explain if I did some fault on this platform.

Thank you so much!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It must be difficult to read using google translation, as the translations aren't accurate sometimes. Especially when you try to read longer content. I know first-hand that it can have awful mistakes and errors and poor translations. I think you're doing a good job though and the upvotes you've received shows that as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just be happy due to your Encouragement.
Be healthy, wealthy and happy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You will get better understanding English. I have followed many who started on HIVE with very limited English who now are doing great in just a short amount of time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta