I constantly feed abused by taxes. Yet I also try to keep in mind, that the government is a service and as any service it has a cost. I agree with VAT, because the government helps regulate the market and I buy things in that safe market. I agree with a tax for driving on a road, I would even agree on a tax(entrance fee) for a public park, because I want those services. And police, and clean streets, etc. All those things cost. And I believe it is fair and required to pay for them. That would be your call on transparency of where do taxes go, and I agree, we need that. But more especially, that we could vote with our taxes. You go more to the park, you pay more, but you also incentivize the government to keep investing on the part. Super capitalist I know, but that is the only way to keep up with the trends and needs of the population, it is a direct feedback.
What I hate, is not being part of the feedback, when the tax is just taken away. I absolutely hate income tax, and I hate more of it that it keeps growing as I make the effort to get a better pay. It really plays against getting better and growing. There shouldn't be like that. It should be VAT like, you develop your skills and experience, you are worth more, you add more value, you charge more and you pay the same fraction. It translates to a larger amount, but it is the same fraction. Your work is a service you provide on a regulated market, it should be VAT not income tax. The government aside from minimum wage is not really regulating my salary, helping it get better. It says, if it gets better your tax increases, instead of fostering grow it fosters getting stuck.
The main reason taxes feel so painful, is because government is inefficient, it is like when you pay for a service of a bad company. In general bad companies go bankrupt, that is a lot harder for governments, because they force you taxes and on top of that control the money. I really look forward that with cryptocurrencies we can move to government shopping. You would subscribe to the governments that offer the services you are willing to take.
Would that destroy the public goods, public spaces? Maybe. But maybe we would get a different competition of public spaces, affordable and really expensive pricing many out, yet not much different than today. There are many places my income prices me out and I cannot visit. Where I would fear a bit more is in this competition if we would get as humans rational enough to protect things. Would enough people pay to protect something like national nature parks, or make Disney theme parks just more abundant? Well Disney does have a lot of nature and a lot of concrete, maybe we could manage to not destroy our planet.
Your thoughts are very well put and I agree with most of them. I am not sure how effective voting with our taxes is though. Government entities don't operate like companies and if they saw some losses, I doubt they would care because it is not really their losses.