Welcome to splinterland family,
IF you are still looking something addictive splinterland is there for you. Its like a weed more you play more you want and hunger won't finish when new cards are going to arrive such as NFT and WAKA.
LAST few reward card series we went but this pelacolor common card series is really much stronger at higher level whe people combine them and it is much cheaper to combine compare to previous rewad cards although base rate are different and print overall cards are different but if I see the winning rate using the Pelacor common card compare to earlier common card. I found at silver level it is very much easy to fight with them compare to earlier reward card such as Ettin spearman, seamonster, sea genie and line continues....More worst like Undead Mintaur.. Rusty Android.
As there use cases are basically now to keep them to increase the collective power so u can upgrade to level up desptite of giving rent to others.
Just before season end, I was reached till Diamond II and on the last day I got my quest reward a lot of Pelacolor series card and a Venari heatsmith. I love to accumulate them.
I got 3 Pelacor Conjurer in the season end rewards.
Pelacor Conjurer is a life element common monster without any attack. It has flying ability. Its fast speed with the flying ability increases the chance of evading melee and ranged attacks of from the opponent monsters who do not have flying ability. It costs only 2 Mana. I am thinking to use this card in the battles with lost magic rule so it can evade attacks from the opponent monsters.
LORE- Pelacor Descent 4 of 4 - The pelacor grew to be highly intelligent and creative beings. They could imagine incredible things, and many of them were not satisfied with their soldierly lives on Solaki. From their home in the sky, they can also plainly see the disturbance in the rift in the stars. Because of their upbringing and education in Angel traditions, the pelacor are fully aware of the implications of the rift’s opening. Feeling an overwhelming need to defend the Planet of their ancestors, a large group of pelacor organized an escape from military service. Nearly a thousand pelacor stole army grade plumton ventilators and left for the ground. Most of them didn’t make it.
The pelacor who made it to the surface are scattered throughout the Splinterlands. None of them know exactly how many of their brothers survived. The winged men have been happily welcomed by the people of the Splinterlands. Humans and goblins, having never known the power of flight, tend to see them as a daydream come to life. The pelacor defectors have fallen into different situations and Splinters, but they are all here to aid in the coming fight against the Chaos Legion.
One day the greater pelacor forces from above will launch their takeover of the surface. The defectors hoped that their loss would be detrimental to the armies, but they were wrong. If and when the attack comes, the Splinterlands pelacor will have to face off against their brethren.
I got 1 Pelacor Bandit in the season end rewards.
Pelacor Bandit is a water element melee monster. It has flying which means it can evade attacks from non flying enemy melee and ranged monsters and sneak ability which means it will attack on the last monster of enemy instead of first. It costs 3 Mana points.
LORE- Pelacor Descent 2 of 4 - One of the most peculiar things that happened in the Splinterlands was the rising of Solaki and Lunaki. These massive chunks of land uprooted themselves and detached completely from the Planet. They started on an upward trajectory, slowly drifting away until after a few weeks they were out of sight from the ground. The larger of the two was named Solaki, as it rose toward the sun. The smaller and darker was called Lunaki, which rose toward the moons. On Lunaki, there was a greater concentration of women, who became known as the daughters of the moons. On Solaki, there was a greater concentration of men, who became known as the sons of the sun.
After years of drifting higher and higher into the stratosphere, Solaki was discovered by the Angels who are said to reside in the Angel Realm of the stars. Humans and khymians were still thriving on Solaki at that time, with plenty of resources to make a comfortable home. Some of the Angels took a liking to the floating continent and began making regular visits. One deceptive male angel named Gytero began working on the minds of the men who ruled the solakari people, planting seeds of fear and paranoia. Gytero whispered that Solaki and Lunaki were drifting further from both the ground and each other, so precautions must be taken to ensure the continuation of their people.
The male rulers of Solaki, under the evil guidance of Angel Gytero, instituted a system of compelled procreation, essentially enslaving the women of Solaki. The women fought back, but they were overwhelmed in numbers. Finally two heroes from the Angel Realm came to the rescue of the last solakari women. They started a war that is still raging today known as the War of Sons and Daughters.
I got 1 Venari Heatsmith in the season end rewards.
Venari Heatsmith is a fire element monster. It has void armor ability which means magic attacks cannot hits its health before hitting its armor. It costs 3 Mana points.
LORE- Banished from Below 5 of 5 - The venari fell upon the Dark Eternal city of Galzur one dark night. There was miraculously no bloodshed that night. The Dark Eternals watched in profound confusion as a huge wave of small rat-like creatures stole supplies, weapons and ships, then vanished into the Primordic Sea.
It has not taken long for the venari to spread themselves throughout the Splinters, becoming involved in politics and power struggles. They have best fit in wherever their tech is found most useful, and wherever they can be paid handsomely for their assistance. A large group of venari has made friends with the goblins of Gobson, while others have settled in the Burning Lands. Some stayed behind in Mortis, where they have already proven helpful as allies to the Lord of Darkness. Now that they live on the surface, the venari must share the incoming threat of the Chaos Legion, vowing to use every tool and skill at their disposal to protect their home.
3 Pelacolor DECiever: I wont like this card much as generally in death summoner mostly common cards are weak , mostly all of them.
Pelacor Descent 3 of 4 - In the war, many innocent sons of the sun and daughters of the moons were killed. Venus and Portia of the Angel Realm equipped the women of Solaki with powerful new forms of Angel magic that should never have been shared. This breach of magic allowed all solakari and lunakari to elevate themselves. The women of Lunaki would no longer require male seed for reproduction, and the men of Solaki would continue to grow in power. The Angels freed the last of the women from Solaki and delivered them to Lunaki, but then a greater war began in the Angel Realm.
The Angels were divided. Half of them believed that humans and khymians never should have been elevated with divine powers. The other half believed that the powers of the universe should be more balanced and never should have been hoarded by the Angels. Angels are capable of larger wars and greater violence than surface people, especially since they are not limited in the same ways by time and space. Many Angels battled in the stars, some descended to assist the solakari men, and others descended to assist the Lunakari women.
New races were born during this time, as Angels began breeding with humans on both sides. For the Lunakari, a new race of sorceresses emerged whose magical powers are greater and more mysterious than any other humans. For the Solakari, a new breed of winged human was born. These people always had the physical forms of male humans, with the exception of fully functioning Angels’ wings. The corrupted society of Solaki began crafting these people (named pelacor) into an army whose eventual purpose would be to travel back to the ground and reclaim the societies of the world.
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I got 23 Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) in season end rewards.

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Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27