good points and I hope your arguments/intuition will hold true. But it is going to be a fight which only few are willing to fight for or even see it as what it is. But I guess only very few are still involved in crypto (in a deeper sense) so there is still a lot of potential/votes to counter such behavior by the institutions. Although I like your point that it's "impossible" to keep up with it, which I guess is true to a large extent. In Germany, to give you an example, I heard of someone wanting to sell some NFTs and the government told him to basically KYC every sale. That would be like Splinterlands operating only under KYC... How to circumvent something like this? It seems the only way to do that would be to move to another country where the restrictions are less severe. But overcoming these is always quite a hurdle which only few then actually overcome. It therefore takes a lot of individual resources / a "right" mind set to actually realize it.
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They are not going to simply walk away without a fight. No doubt about this. We have to keep up the development and expansion.
For this reason, we become much more resilient.
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