Grammarly is indeed a great tool, especially for people who are not native English speakers, such as myself. I like it so much I even got a paid plan to have access to some extra features, but even the free plan is awesome already.
I believe having more outward-facing content is crucial to driving more traffic but I like inward-facing content too. It's how I learn more about the ecosystem and how I find out about news and developments in our community so maybe we need some sort of balance between those two types of articles.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Inward-facing content is obviously very important to keep existing users, to encourage, inspire and motivate the current users, so we definitely need that type of content.
However, we have probably 99% inward-facing content and 1% outward-facing content as it is right now, much due to the nature of Hiv/LEO/other communities. It's not built with the intention of curating optimized content from the beginning, which makes things very difficult nowadays, if we want to change our course.
Optimized content is key for organic traffic and organic traffic is vital for growth.. Most people doesn't seem to believe it though, or have other things in mind when it comes to growth. They seem focused on reinventing the wheel.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I agree. We should have a better inward/outward content ratio
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Who knows, we might get there eventually. I'll continue to talk/discuss about it as often as I can.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta