
Tiktok has done it.. there are more tiktok rich creators than youtube now... youtube income is sliding down now.

Really, I thought TikTok is just a rival, I didn't know that there are richer creators on TikTok and this is due to the fact that I don't use TikTok at all

Tiktok has captured US, UK and Canada market, so income there means they are rich. YouTube income is 48 percent given to creators but tiktok gives larger portion like more than 60 percent.

Wow. Thanks for the eye-opener.

My dear she just opened my eyes fr and I'll remember her when the money starts rolling in lol

Wow looks like theirs Money going round on TikTok. What can one not do for money lol

Tom, If we start to talk about rich people on TikTok you'll be so surprised at the numbers

yeah, I'm glad I learnt about TikTok from her.

Otherwise why does a lot of people have all these apps on their phones 🤷‍♂️😂Mr @tomiajax I think every app has its own uniqueness

Some say ‘I have TikTok on my phone but I don’t post’ yet that Oga or madam’s most frequently used app is that same app he/she criticizes lol

Yeah, I think underestimate how big TikTok is. Actually there are a lot of people with TikTok account. And true every app has their own uniqueness.