Greeting everyone ,
It was sad that most of my friend already gives up, socialize in HIVE since most of people was migrating from STEEMIT few years back . Im still glad that my friend @gideongys and @tawadak24 introducing STEEMIT to me before i went solo travel few years ago . I try to catch up writing on thats platform but traveling around at new places everyday make its quite difficult for me to do so , especially the net was so limited at that time .
Lucky im not outside the country when the COVID break . But , COVID make everyone stay at home , we cant go out while everyone was fighting the pandemic . It was sad that many of my friend didnt make it on COVID . I pray for them to rest in peace . Since COVID happens , i totally didnt touch anything about STEEMIT . I didnt even know that most of people has already migrate to HIVE.
Thanks to @risingtar , i start my journey again in HIVE . But , everyone was stranger because most everyone has stop. Since no one teaching me basic thing about HIVE , i has to learn bit by bit with reading other people blog. At least now i have a little idea about HIVE and didnt get lose if someone ask it to me .
I meet a good friend in STEEMIT but i lose most of them because everyone doing their own stuff . I think its a good for meet up in HIVE . I guess there was a lot things we can share and learn from each other .
I dont have fancy word to invite everyone near my area for a meet up , but yeah. If one or two friend comes , i can say its a good start for Sabahan HIVE . Let's do it guys .
Tagging friend in crime who also playing @risingstar together with me :
@menzo @osundu
Tagging photographer friend :
Please tag other friend , i know i miss a lot of name .
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Take a lot of photos and share at hive ya!
Sure will do . Please revive #teammalaysia pls ;).
Bah, bgtau date awal2x utk meet up so I can arrange my schedule. Yay!! This should be fun.
Bha mari makan ruti canai di ajmeer😂😂
Xmau roti canai.. Mau steak. 😂😂😂
Posted via D.Buzz
Ya bah . hopefully you also in sabah at that time . Siok bah tu yamcha ramai ramai.
Sa di Sandakan bah skrg. Sabah jg. Huhu.
Bah, kasi update saja d Whatsapp group. Huhu..
Na kan . ble kamu berkumpul yamcha sma @bluekinabalu sma @ikankaruk88 bulan 10 . Diaorg join bird festival tu sna . Sia mau pg tpi x lense panjang lagi haha
Mau check schedule dlu kalau October Ni XDA apa2x Hal. Btw, ko dimana skrg? XDA d kk?
Kami d kk . Sll jg outing for mengambar tp belum ada yg ada yg outing for HIVE .
Bah, Nanti buat lah yg official meet up. At least DPT JG gathering Kan. Hehe.
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