Despite the non-incentive at all for voting comments due to the "weird" rewarding curve algorithm, commenting and voting valued comments of other people are becoming more and more important lately.
We are a Social and Community Blockchain so, if we want to make it different from the old Steem blockchain we should look for a solution in order to encourage and reinforce commenting as the main engagement aspect of our HIVE blockchain.
My opinion is that we MUST relax this curve in order to make it more linear as it was 8 months ago... we have controlled the bid-bots and others abusers so we can get back to a more social strategy IMO.
In the meantime, I think commenting and voting comments keep being ESSENTIAL for the long-term run for anyone willing to succeed in this blockchain and more specially during these days on which the rewarding curve presents the following scenario according to :
The crossing between the linear-old rewarding curve and the current rewarding curve is happening just below the 1$...
You don't lose so much by upvoting comments but a little of HIVE POWER, instead what you get is an INCREASE on your ENGAGEMENT DEGREE THAT WILL PAY-OFF YOU LATER ON!!!!
Just for you to know, and as a curiosity, a few months ago this "crossing" was placed somewhere in the infinite:
Im all for making things different from STEEM, and always vote good comments. Not everyone can, and you need a decent stake to ensure the drain doesn't happen.
Doing away with the curve? I was never a big fan of it to start with.
In my opinion, anyone must "build" their own engagement even independently of the owned stake. It is worthier!
I agree (with both things). Yes, we should "flatten the curve" (maybe we should use the hashtag here too...). And, yes, Hive should be more about interaction than on just sending/posting and auto-voting (I confess I'm guilty too). Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
It had a sense in the past, at least it needed to be tried out but now we should get some lessons and make the proper changes.
and maybe yes, a #flattenthecurve tag would be very useful
Obviously not as important as the other curve that needs to be flattened, but we can give it a try
After a while of switching off voting for comments, I decided it's not worth it to lose engagement and for enough time I restarted to upvote every person bothering to comment on my posts without spamming. I vote for comments on other posts too, when I have enough VP and I read a very good comment or one which deserves some visibility boost.
In my opinion, we have to release as well our appreciation level about what is a good comment or not. Sometimes, a couple of words are enough in order to agree or support with someone.
I'm ok with that, but if we still have the dust vote threshold, to make the vote meaningful in my case that would be about a 50% weight, and using it for something like "Great post" I wouldn't probably do, unless I have a prior connection with the person and I know he/she does leave great comments from time to time.
Hive absolutely needs more engagement, isn’t it @abh12345?
I would like to be also removed the dust limit: it's a shame!
Thanks Eduard for pointing out this problem! !tip
You are welcome! Appreciate your support 😉
I am used to vote for comments to my post, as it also allow them to rank them so that the best ones appear on top (which goes along with what you pointed in your post). I must however say that I agree with you, engagement those days is quite low. Let's hope for a change, soon.
There are a couple of things we have to address on HIVE, as there were the very same on steem, the engagement and the HIVE marketing/promotion strategy.
The first can be fixed by flattening this stupid curve that only benefits those that get the most in rewards, the second is more difficult but much needed. We have to do something for HIVE to get visibility out there.
Engagement is connected with us, users. if all of us do his/her part of the job, the situation will already be much better. I am unsure the curve has nothing to do with it.
Comments Are Becoming Worth Voting@amico wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @amico if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @toofasteddie! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @amico!