June Summary: Overcoming on Author Rewards

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Great news for me today.
This past month of June I have managed to maintain my level of curation rewards and to increase substantially my Author rewards as well.
And this has happened despite that I have been less "productive" in terms of posting but, somehow, the community found I was doing great instead.

However I have to say that during this month of June I have noticed as well a reduction of the publications in general, not only on my "feed" but also everywhere.

I think that we have to keep sharing our content outside other platforms which could help us to increase HIVE visibility so that's why I am sharing the majority of my posts on Twitter as well.

The world has to know that WEB 3.0 means monetisation of your own content and HIVE is the main example of this as a decentralised platform and blockchain... but I guess, all of you, HIVERS, are already convinced about so, please keep sharing and "evangelising" others on the future economics of the internet.

Coming back now to the monthly summary:

This is my Monthly Author Rewards chart:

My Author Hive Power rewards on June has reached 162 HP, as I said, an impressive increase of 44.5% over May's value.

This is my Monthly Curator rewards chart:

an slight reduction of -2.38% below May's that I consider good enough since June has one day less than May.

The ROI on curation has decreased a little as I said. I am over 103 HP which means:

  • Around 0.009514 HIVE per 1 Powered up HIVE per month
  • 0.114 HIVE per 1 HP per year
  • 1242HP in total a year or 11.4% of ROI over 10675 HIVE POWERED UP

Not a bad ROI at all

Overall picture of the HP earned on June is...

266 HIVE POWER a month, 21.77% more from May. That means around 56 USD of free-extra income staked in my account only in HIVE POWER. Besides I get approximately 40 USD more in Liquid HIVE.

Make no mistakes here, this value could be seen as a very small amount for an outsider investor but, just take into account that the current price per HIVE is around 0.21 USD and also that we have already seen the price of this crypto above 6 USD in the past (former STEEM), in my opinion, HIVE has all the numbers to get a usual price above 1 USD at least.

This is consolidating my Rewards in the "path" I am searching for... UP!



Posted Using LeoFinance


Congratulations. I love to read these posts as it gives me that extra bit of motivation I would otherwise lack to remain active on Hive. I know you have invested 3 years and running on the platform but a newbie like me would itch continuously to have a financial profile like yours :P

Persistence is the key here my friend

Persistence it is.🙂👍

I've noticed that things are quiet at the moment as well. I was hoping that this wasn't normal. But who knows right?

I'm impressed at your monthly earnings. Could it be that you're getting a greater share of the curation rewards as a result of decreased votes?

I really need to start growing my account on Hive (and LeoFinance).

Posted Using LeoFinance

Yep, it could be...less people, more pie to distribute for active authors

This is inspirational. Great returns :-)

For the external audience:

Posted Using LeoFinance

Te estas convirtiendo en un Hive-ballenator 😎