Quick Backstory:
I told someone on facebook, Eternals is for Intelligent people, in response to them saying the movie was boring. In their response, they used the word 'pretentious', and 'thought' they were doin something.
"No, it’s a movie with plot holes, ill-timed comedic moments, forced “surprise deaths” that carry no weight because there wasn’t enough time to care about so many undeveloped characters, and contradictory plot points. But hey - if we act “serious/pretentious”, the critics will LOVE it! Oops.
If you need help with any of those big words, Google’s got your back." - Upset Human...
My, response. Also, why Eternals is one of Marvel's best films, ever ...
Upset Human, i had to re-read that comment to figure out what word you felt, was a 'big word' ... pretentious?? you think that's a big word? is that what you called yourself doing just now? Using the 'biggest words' a little mind could conceive of, to attempt to explain a whole lot of nothing while trying ... (not so eloquently tho) to sound like they were saying something .....
😭 that's hilarious;
speaking of which, everyone doesn't share the same sense of humor; most likely the joke were used, To Break up the Seriousness of the film; Cause they're talking about very deep concepts such as, who really created the universe (and yes, that's within the world of a comic universe, that 'bases itself' upon the real world; Thanos snapping away half the population didn't happen in "OUR real lives" -- but it happens in This film/universe; and so again, that's what this film is about; Creation.... Planets, Galaxies all forming (most of us are taught that they form on their own but this film presents a concept of 'gods' ... small g as Ego said, Creating these Galaxies instead; suns too ...))
But for those who paid attention there is a lot of misinformation, purposely given; from what Arishem's script says in the beginning ... (of the film; about, in the beginning... 🙂 ) .... what 'that says' is very different from what he tells Cercei; ........... and again since their 'story' actually covers, Millions of years, Millions of planets that have been created, populations 'helped with evolution' - and eventually destroyed by the birth of new Celestials ...... they're setting up story for the next 20 years ..... so when you talk of "time to care about the death of a character" - that's silly, cause we have no idea how many more 'stories' about these Eternals will be told;
Arishem has tons of 'clones' of them; their 'memories' are stored up; who knows what they do with all of this (Ajak and Ikaris can come back in further films; they can set films at almost any point in time .... )
.... but it's too much for the small minded people in our society, which has been proven to not be nearly as Educated as society was just a mere 50 years ago. #TheDumbingDownOfAmerica #Idiocracy etc...
"intelligent films" rarely do well with audiences; such as the Matrix Trilogy; people liked the original much later, after it had been around for a while; MOST people just liked the special effects; they weren't all that blown away by the story ............. just liked all the slow mo, and bullet dodging;
that is why even fewer people liked the Follow ups; there wasn't any of the same slow mo action scenes as the original; and it leaned heavily into the STORY .... that they were telling .......... so by the time the Architect gets on screen to talk; People aren't Impressed; they lack the intellect to be impressed. They're bored; too many words.... (not enough pictures.)
but this is the case with most things in our society ... the people who are not intelligent, get upset and take offense when it's pointed out; (knowing full well they are not all that intelligent, or educated .... ) but I guess that's part of the plan, as well.
but, as I said... there's tons of content out there already about This topic; so the only reason to surmise that one would take offense - is if they fall into the category of those who are not, as intelligent/educated/well-read as they 'should be', to be able to enjoy/grasp deeper concepts.
Including the big one; (back to Eternals;) why didn't they step in to help with Thanos; (just as people who do not believe in God, ask, why does God let bad things happen? If he is so all powerful and all that, why doesn't God step in??) --- Answer: eventually over the course of 7,000 years, they learned to 'back off' and let humanity grow, on its own, at its own pace; and you come to find it's really their policy NOT to get involved; they even disbanded over it;
Druig, couldn't handle not stepping in to stop the madness; he just decided to take a few of em off to a place where he could keep them safe; from humanity; cause humans are a wild bunch ... (again, all of these concepts go Over the head of the more, simple minded members of our society; so they don't appreciate what is unfolding) .... Imagine, Gilgamesh and Athena have just been hanging out in the desert all these years, cause Thena went crazy, and Gilgamesh gotta keep her at bay .... (for intelligent people with imagination that is....)
anyways; #CharlotteIserbyt is just a starting point; she worked for Regan; a lifelong conservative; and daughter of a .. very well connected person .. with lots of power; she's been talking about this for years along with several others;
in reality, Humanity isn't evolving to the point where we could stop a Thanos level threat; we couldn't even handle what happened the last couple years; so to expect THIS society to appreciate #Eternals would, naturally, with all things considered be, Very Unrealistic......
due to the Deeper concepts presented in this film; and the possibility of what they might go 'into' in future related films; along with all it set up for forthcoming films, like Blade, the MoonKnight Series, possible team ups with GhostRider, all dealing with 'other wordly' concepts; Eternals is easily one of the MCU's best films ... easily.
***not that I expect everyone to see it that way.
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