Greetings to all the community I hope you are well and in good health, we are about to end this year so it is a good time to talk about our goals and our dreams, it is also important to discuss how committed we are to achieving our dreams, in this article I will talk a little about something called the scale of desire I hope you like it and can leave a comment
What is the scale of desire?
all human beings have different degrees of motivation to perform a task, in that sense a scale can be established which allows us to know the level of commitment that a person has towards their goal. in other words, how much are you willing to do to fulfil that desire.
Based on that the following scale of desire was created:
Number 1
"I am attracted by it":
in this state of mind the person feels some desire to achieve a goal but this desire is not great enough to lead him to perform any action.
Number 2
I am interested:
Interest is a part of the human being that motivates him/her to know more about a goal but in this state of mind no action is taken yet, the person is interested in knowing more but is not interested in taking any action.
Number 3
I would like to:
At this stage the person feels a conditioned liking for a goal or objective, although this conditioned desire is not enough to lead him/her to undertake some action, in some cases the person executes an action, but has no real commitment to that objective
Number 4
I like it:
A like already moves the person to perform an action to fulfil the desire, in this part the person goes from a mental state of thought to a state of action, it is important to clarify that although a like does not make you give everything for a goal in this mental state of I like, the person executes actions to fulfil what he liked.
Number 5
Wanting is a much stronger motivator than just liking, in this state the person starts to make conscious actions to get what they want, wanting implies a commitment to certain actions, it can also be said that wanting establishes a commitment between the person and their goal.
Number 6
Love: Love is a feeling that can arise in a person for a goal or for a thing, this feeling makes the person to be willing to sacrifice many things in his life to get what he loves, love is the engine that moves the actions that lead you to achieve your goal.
Number 7
Desire becomes a force capable of turning human beings into barriers Do not see obstacles in their way to achieve their goals, desire is so powerful that it makes people willing to sacrifice everything to fulfil that desire, on this scale desire plays an important role. role because desire is often the key piece in the puzzle of success.
number 8
Obsession: this feeling is one step bigger than desire, while desire is a motivator obsession makes the person not think about anything else, a good example of being obsessed is having the urge to go to the bathroom and have the door closed, another good example is in the lift and starts to shake at that moment you are obsessed with getting out of that situation.
number 9
Passion : Passion is the highest rung on the ladder of desire because passionate people are people who are willing to give their all and also have total dedication towards what they want. Passion is so important for success that only a few people are able to be passionate about what they want to achieve, and passion develops over time.
If you have a desire or a goal that you want to achieve this scale will help you to know where you are in your process, are you just thinking or is your goal really getting you excited, now that December is approaching many people like to post their goals and objectives for the new year, it is important that you know if your goals will really motivate you to take daily actions that will lead you to the achievement of your goal, it is not enough just to think it is necessary to act.
In conclusion we all want to be successful and we all want to achieve our goals and objectives, many people forget that depending on the level of commitment and passion you have towards your goals is that you can achieve them or not, we have to be very clear if the objectives are not powerful enough to move from thought to action. happy start of the week.
I lose the 'Passion' after a short period of time in many of the projects or goals I put, and I have no idea why.
This post really is what an average adult needs to read
We all have scale of desires, and it’s strongly affected by some of those factors you mentioned above
I guess I learnt a lot
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