I believe that in order for us to improve our real quality of life, we need to better understand what is of value to us, including the alternatives that have potential value, but are outside of our awareness, as we focus on what we have been told to focus on.
I think this is essential. Many, particularly when we are young, have no idea what we truly want out of life. Socrates said that "the unexamined life is not worth living".
We romanticize these priceless experiences in our minds forgetting how long it takes us to pay for it, forgetting the logistical troubles, and forgetting the dread of it all ending and having to head home soon. Holidays are often more exhausting than working.
We make up ideas of why an expense is worthwhile when it is obviously not needed.
I think people who spend their time "in the now" at the expense of the future, are not actually in the now anymore than anyone else. You can experience the now without being a hedonist that only values the given moment.