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RE: Beyond Politics: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Challenges the Status Quo, Stands for Cryptocurrency and Individual Freedom

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin. Does he ever mention other crypto, or cryptocurrencies in general?

I don't like CBDCs, for the reasons he mention - it would be too easy to check and control how I spend my money. Bad enough that someone can go through my ATM withdrawals and see where I have been, but by using cash at least they can't see what I have bought with my "germ-laden paper currencies." I wonder if we're talking about the same Elon Musk though? Freedom of speech, huh? Every day I see people posting here on Hive and in other places that their twitter account has been locked.

a politician's job is to promise the world and then deliver nothing.

So true. We have a very good example here in Stockholm, always making loud noises in the news: Kristoffer Tamsons. He was the regional councillor for public transport in the Stockholm area between 2014 and 2022. During that time he raised the ticket prices by almost 30% while at same time cancelling a lot of bus lines and departures on both trains and subway. Meaning less income, since some people simply can't afford it and others don't bother since there no longer exists any public transport where they live. All the time saying "I wish I had gotten this job earlier, there's so much to do, so much to fix! You'll see, everything will run so smoothly in just a couple of years!" Among the last things he did was sign a contract with the private company that runs the regional trains, agreeing that "train hosts" weren't needed. Those are the people who for example help people in wheelchairs get on and off the trains, answer questions about which station to switch trains on to get someplace, and help the train driver in case of problems. So now we've had the drivers strike since they don't feel safe working all alone. Especially if there's an accident. A lot of them quit, which has led to cancelled departures. And what does Tamsons do? He blames the new regime for it, saying this would never have been allowed to happen when he had the job! Even though he is the cause!


Tamsons sounds like he would do very well over here in American Politics lol.

I definitely need to do more research into RFK Jr. but I think I like what I'm hearing at the moment. It doesn't sound like he is tooo versed in crypto other than Bitcoin and a few others, but I feel he understands what they stand for, and to me that may be more important. I really appreciate his stance on CBDCs, so that what gets the most points for me, especially for the reasoning you agreed with. It is a slippery slope towards a social credit system that could easily be used for corrupt purposes.