Army of Crypto Game Development Advancement Report #3 (May 10, 2023)

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Screenshot 2023-05-10 15:19:33.png

Army of Crypto, the most unique digital trading card game on the blockchain. Play for keeps, Play for true ownership of in-game assets and trade at any time in the digital marketplace.

Platform: Onixcoin Blockchain
The Army of Crypto Team has been working hard on debugging and implementing features since the last report. The development of the initial phase of a match, where both players pick 3 soldiers and place them on the board is ready for in-house testing. After this phase, the actual battle begins and where the actual rules will be coded into the game play. Below is a screenshot of the initial stage of a match:


Alejandro Caballero - ( Lead Developer of the AOC team stated this in the recent report "Everything is laid out so we can go quickly with the battle system. We're attempting to bring very basic functions so matches are actually playable, but we need to tune a bunch of internals to get there."

The team is set to move onto the next stages and below is the complete change log from the previous advancement report:


  • Added support for linux builds.
  • Purged prepped cards SVG cache when opening the inventory.
  • Tuned deck controls on the inventory when a deck is selected.
  • Optimized assignment of cardspec-based data on cards.
  • Detached network listeners from the main app object off to their own files.
  • Tuned Backend API signature builder to suit the latest specification changes.
  • Added cards filtering and sorting on card listing sections:
    • On the inventory, for all cards or a deck's cards.
    • On the modal of all cards of a deck (when invoked from the "view" control in a deck on the battle section).
    • On the deck cards frame (right side) of the deck builder.
  • Added automatic closing of battle forms/summary views when going out to another view on the main menu and then going back into the battle section.
  • Optimization on the open battles list view:
    • Added loading icon.
    • Added missing reload triggers on filtering controls.
    • Added missing hertz betting filter.
    • Tuned layout.
    • Implemented actual filtering on the server side (it was missing).
    • Implemented automatic sorting by relevance.
    • Added relevant match time (waiting, started, etc.).
    • Added online/offline/lastseen info on match creators cell.
  • Replaced wrongly named round time/length with turn time/length in all places.
  • Added missing callback on bootstrap version checks.
  • Tuned functions for on-board cards management.
  • Adjusted the community news feed to read news posts from the AOC website instead of Twitter due to access policy changes.
  • Some code and style optimizations.

Binaries will be built and then we'll notify the internal testing team afterwards.

Join the Onixcoin Discord for more info, pics, videos and more on the Army of Crypto Trading Card Game.

Developer Clip:

Discord: Twiiter: (@ onixcoin_io) & (@ thearmyofcrypto)


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Wow this is a huge improvement from the minigame Trey. Looking forward to play this game hope it's super fun

Yea, it's coming along. I will post some dev clips and gameplay footage on 3speak for everyone to get a glimpse of what's ahead. Follow me to stay up-to-date on this game and others on the Onixcoin Blockchain.